Bird Hide

這間位於黃竹坑的690平方呎單位住著一對年輕夫婦,他們對日本美學的天然風格甚為著迷,故要求室內設計及建築公司T.B.C. Studio將二人對和風木系的熱愛注進家裡。負責是次項目的T.B.C. Studio表示:「窗外的綠意植栽和連綿山景,為我們帶來無限啟發。有見屋主未來將會孕育新生命,當前要務是規劃出一個能伴他們成長的靈活空間。一如我們名字的含義:有待琢磨(To be Crafted),活用創意(To be Creative),有待量身訂造(To be Customised)的創作原則,透過細膩入微的處理豐富屋主的生活故事。」單位的原裝客廳略嫌狹窄,極具壓逼感,為善用窗外景致以及營造開放式生活環境,設計團隊拆去了客廳和廚房之間的牆壁,並改成玻璃牆將兩者區分,加強家居的通透感,讓光線能流動自如,感覺清新開朗。女主人對手工藝精品的熱愛也在主人房裡源源展現,空間內設長檯讓她擺放製作小品的工具,還有用作陳列作品的儲物設計,突顯屋主的個性。

Bird Hide is a shelter, often camouflaged, that is used to observe wildlife, especially birds, at close quarters. Our idea is to direct the internal view to the window especially once entering the flat to enhance the work-life balance and atmosphere at home. The architectural angle is driven by the view to the landscape outside. A typical bird hide resembles a garden shed, with small openings, shutters, or windows built into at least one side to enable observation